Lift up the Madurapeople, the 3rd largest language group in Indonesia.
Category Archives: Unreached Peoples
Road To Transformation
The Road to Transformation from Wycliffe USA on Vimeo.
The Bible translation process can be loosely compared to a roadmap of checkpoints. While each language project is unique, this map helps to simplify an otherwise complex process for the purpose of illustration.
Resource: Wycliffe Bible Translators
Where Is The Bible Translation Needed?
Locating the areas of greatest Bible translation need.
It’s one of the first questions that must be answered, and its answer must be constantly reviewed and updated: just where in the world is Bible translation even needed?
Current estimates by the Wycliffe Global Alliance* suggest that around 340 million peoplespeaking 2,078 languages may have a need for Bible translation to begin. Many of these language groups are small minorities living in areas dominated by different, more prevalent or official languages. Others may in fact be very large people groups but live in areas that are difficult to access.
In particular, Wycliffe has identified three areas of the world that contain the greatest numbers of translation needs. They are Central Africa and Nigeria; Mainland and Southeast Asia; and Indonesia and the Pacific islands.
Make no mistake, though much of the world has already benefitted from Bible translation, it is still needed on a grand scale!
- The exciting news is that we’re experiencing the greatest acceleration of the global Bible translation movement that the world has ever witnessed! The number of languages still waiting for Scripture is dropping. Pray that this momentum will not slow down and ask God to continue to grow the resources needed to accomplish this work.
- For Central Africa and Nigeria, pray for unity across organizational partnerships as many local and international groups must work together to accomplish the work of Bible translation. French-speaking personnel are also needed to work in the Francophone region; ask God to send more workers to this area.
- For Mainland and Southeast Asia, pray for the protection and encouragement of translation personnel who often work in sensitive areas and sometimes in isolation. Prayfor creativity in the distribution of finished Scripture.
- For Indonesia and the Pacific islands, pray for safety in travel as many translation teams must navigate throughout this large rugged and remote region. Pray for efficiency in gathering language data and wisdom in planning translation programs.
*Wycliffe Global Alliance, partners in Bible translation
Resource: Wycliffe Pray Today Blog
Prayer Resource: Joshua Project
“Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere.” (Ephesians 6:18, NLT)
Pray is one of the armors that God wants us to put on every day, every moment in our life. Prayer is the fuel that we need to keep the flame of mission and ministry to keep on going and burning. Prayer is the way to come to God and stand in the gap between God and the world, the unreached people groups – whom cannot stand in His presence because of sins.
Joshua Project is one of the medias that you can use for your prayer resources. This website provides details about the unreached people group, tools, resources and lots of information that you need for your personal and church prayer time. Here’s some things about Joshua Project.
Joshua Project: Purpose and Mission
Joshua Project is a research initiative seeking to highlight the ethnic people groups of the world with the least followers of Christ. Accurate, regularly updated ethnic people group information is critical for understanding and completing the Great Commission. Jesus said in Matthew 24:14 “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Jesus directly links His return to the fulfillment of the Great Commission. While no one knows the date or time of His return, we do know that this gospel of the kingdom must be preached to all the nations first. Revelation 5:9 and 7:9-10 show that there will be some from every tribe, tongue, nation and people before the Throne.
Joshua Project seeks to answer the questions that result from the Great Commission’s call to make disciples among every nation or people group:
- Who are the ethnic people groups of the world?
- Which people groups still need an initial church-planting movement in their midst?
- What ministry resources are available to help outreach among the least-reached?
Joshua Project: Distinctives and Uniqueness
- Strategic – We help mission strategists who ask, “Where is the greatest need?” Our desire is to help focus the Church on the most spiritually needy ethnic people groups.
- Effective – We seek to maximize the effectiveness of Kingdom resources by helping identify and reduce duplication of effort between ministries through data sharing.
- Comprehensive – Our emphasis is on comprehensiveness, to see that the Church is initially established in all the world’s ethnic peoples. Our method has been “when in doubt include a people group on the list” to insure that no groups are overlooked.
- Neutral – We are a neutral, low-profile ministry, serving the global missions community.
- Grassroots – We support grass-roots initiatives and seek input from those actually doing onsite work. Priority is given to updates made by local and national researchers.
- Openhanded – We provide all data and services at no charge, we desire individuals and agencies in all parts of the world to have access to unreached peoples data.
The link to Joshua Project video click here: Joshua Project
Start searching any people group in the world, including in Indonesia, and start praying for them today!
Kangean People
The Lord is king!
Let the earth rejoice!
Let the farthest coastlands be glad.
Psalm 97:1
The Kangean people (population 135,000) live on Indonesia’s Kangean Island, located north of Bali. The island holds great tourism potential. Its beaches on the Java Sea are scenic and unspoiled, and the thick East Kangean forest contains many animals and beautiful birds.
Since 1993 the islands have been the site of natural gas drilling. They are connected to East Java via a 430-kilometer pipeline, most of which runs underwater. However, the Kangean are one of the last 200 or so Muslim people groups of over 100,000 with no organised effort to establish a community of believers.
They use the Kangean language which is close to the Madura language. The major religion is Muslim, no Christians at all in this people group. They don’t have any medias – audio, nor written – of the Gospel. They are the Least-Reached people group in Indonesia.
Bible Translation is needed for this group. They need to know about the Love of God for their life, the Word of Living God can change their life, turn them into God’s worshippers.
Would you pray for the Kangean People?